If the anticipation of seeing your precious little one and hearing the rhythmic heartbeat fills you with excitement, an Early Peek Ultrasound is the perfect choice. Delight awaits during the 10-12 week window, a truly captivating period in the journey of expectant parents.
Witness the charm of this stage where your baby, at 12 weeks, boasts tiny limbs, capable of playful jumps, waving arms, and even a delightful dance, providing an early, enchanting preview of the joys to come.
Having Twins or Triplets? Please add $25 to any package. When booking your appointment online, please let us know that you are blessed x2
Peace of Mind - Baby's Heartbeat Package $40
"If you're seeking the reassurance of seeing and hearing your baby's heartbeat for peace of mind, then this package is tailored just for you!"
It is safe for you to check in on your little one as often as you wish!
* Must show proof of prenatal care ** If you do not have this yet then please choose our Pregnancy Confirmation Package.
No pictures with the "Peace of mind" package
Early Peek Ultrasounds Require a Doctor Confirmed Pregnancy.

Early Peeks 2D Ultrasound Package (8-13 Weeks only) $59
Watch, Listen & Record Baby's Heartbeat
Get Baby's Heart Rate
Peek in on your little one in 3D/4D Ultrasound
2+ Glossy 4x6 Kodak Photos
Estimated Weight (on request)
♥ ♥ FREE Digital Video of your ultrasound session set to lullaby music & ALL images saved during your scan sent right to your e-mail
LIVE Streaming is available and Free
10% Off Any return visit during this pregnancy

Early Peek 3D/4D Ultrasound Package (8-13 Weeks Only) $69
Watch, Listen & Record Baby's Heartbeat
Get Baby's Heart Rate
Estimated Weight (upon request)
♥ ♥ FREE Digital Video of your ultrasound session set to lullaby music & ALL images saved during your scan sent right to your e-mail
LIVE Streaming is available and Free
10% Off Any return visit during this pregnancy

Baby's Heartbeat Package $60
Includes any 8" Huggable Heartbeat Plush
2D Ultrasound to visualize baby's heart
Watch, Listen and Record Baby's Heartbeat
Get Baby's Heart Rate
Heartbeat plush upgrade available
10% Off Any return visit during this pregnancy
* Not Curious Mamma Eligible
We have approx. 50 different styles of Huggable Heartbeat plush in stock. Styles are always changing
Proof of prenatal care must be shown before we can perform an elective ultrasound in our studio. Early Peek Ultrasounds Require Doctor Confirmed Pregnancy such as an Ultrasound or HCG Blood report
Save $10 when you choose to pay with cash. Enjoy the extra savings!
If you choose to pay using a debit or credit card, please be aware that a $2,50 will be applied.
Thank You for your understanding. Kim, Erica & Tawny
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